
The whole bad band

The whole bad band


The scene is Andover and Honeystreet is giving it all in support of the Macular Society. An hour’s great songs from Marion ending in Pete the Bass and Steve the Harp making an attempt on the life of Pat the Guitar. If his music is not in alphabetical order by midnight tonight there will be murder done, they say. “Which alphabet” was his naive reply, he being a Greek scholar these days

A new dawn breaks over the HQ of the Hampton Herald. Inside nothing stirs, a dog is dreaming of , who knows.  The editor is resting. We ask for nothing but tranquility

Kyrenia in former times. This bar was created out of a lorry. Supposed to be temporary, it kind of stuck. A bit like the partition of Cyprus.

Malreward and Blowhardy decide they must not let the side down and will learn to ballroom dance

There was a BBC 2 programme devoted to a journey along the K&A from \Sydney gardens. A camera mounted on the boat simply rolled on slowly. So slowly that it was possible to do sketches like this

One of the finest choral performances for a very long time. Must have something to do with the orchestra

Sensational Jazz from singer Judy Vaughan, with Patrick on Guitar and Bass Genius, Keith Howard. Book a table with Joyce


Sensational Jazz from singer Judy Vaughan, with Patrick on Guitar and Bass Genius, Keith Howard. Book a table with Joyce



Started as doodle madwe when waiting for the next hand.

Mixed feelings about the visit to Northern, Turkish, Cyprus.  The flight is paid for by the Turkish State, for which you have  to tour the  various Carpet, Leather and Jewelry stores.That just lasts  a morning, and then comes six days of visits to the most astonishing Greek, Roman, Crusader, Venetian  and Turkish antiquities